Terms & Conditions

By accessing this Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted the following terms. In case you do not understand or agree to any of the terms, you should immediately exit this Website. CARLO reserves the right to update the TERMS OF USE (TOU) at any time without notice to you. With regard to any behavior of violation against the provisions of the TOU, CARLO shall have the right to seek legal and fair remedies. 

Limited License 
All contents on this Website are copyrighted by CARLO unless otherwise stated. Without prior written consent of CARLO or other parties, any content on the Website shall not be reproduced, distributed, photocopied, played, linked or transmitted with super-links, loaded into other servers in “mirroring method”, stored in information retrieval system, or otherwise used for any commercial purpose by any person, unless otherwise downloaded or reproduced for private and non-commercial purposes (provided however, that such use shall not include any revision to the content and the copyright notices and other proprietary notices shall be retained in the same form and manner as on the original). 

This Website and its contents are provided for your convenience only. Although CARLO has attempted to provide accurate information on this Website, it assumes no obligation or responsibility regarding the accuracy of the information whatsoever. CARLO may change the contents available on this Website or the products mentioned at any time without notice. 


Limitation of Liability 
Neither CARLO nor any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, agents, employees or other representatives shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, and/or exemplary damages including without limitation, loss of profits or revenues, loss of data, and/or loss of business, in connection with this Website or the use of or inability to use this Website or reliance on the contents contained herein, even if CARLO is advised of the possibility of such damages. 

Product Availability 
The availability of the products and services described on this Website, and the descriptions of such products and services, may vary in your country or area. Please consult with CARLO’s local sales representatives or agents for specific products and/or services information. 

Links to Third Parties 
Although links to third party websites may be contained in this Website for your convenience, CARLO shall not be responsible for any content of any such Websites. You might need to review and agree to applicable rules of use when using such Websites. In addition, a link to a third-party Website does not imply that CARLO endorses the site or the products or services referenced therein. 

Access to Password Protected/Secure Areas 
Only authorized users can access and make use of password-protected and/or secure areas of this Website. Unauthorized users attempting to access such areas may be subject to prosecution. 

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction 
This TOU shall be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Malaysia, without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law therewith. 

Branding Trademark 
CARLO permits its partners and the media (“you”) to use its name, trademarks, logos, and other brand features (the CARLO “Brand Features”, “Marks” or “Logos”) only in limited circumstances and as specified in these Terms and Conditions. By using CARLO’s Marks, you agree to adhere to these Terms and Conditions and specifically to the Use Requirements and Terms below. 

I. Our trademarks 
CARLO and the CARLO logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of CARLO Sdn Bhd and its affiliates in Malaysia and/or other countries. 
 You should include this attribution, as applicable, with your other trademark and copyright notices. 

II. Use of the “CARLO” name in text 
When referring to our company, the full name is CARLO Sdn Bhd. When referring to our services, the CARLO name should be written as one word and used as an adjective followed by a description of our services in a form similar to the following examples: 
• CARLO®  
• CARLO™   
CARLO name should always be accompanied by either the ® or ™ symbol. See Attribution under the Use Requirements and Terms, for further information. 

III. CARLO logo 
Logos for Use by Partners 
 If you have a current agreement with CARLO, you may download logos for use in accordance with the terms of your agreement with CARLO and these Guidelines. 

Logos for Use by the Media 
 Logos may be downloaded for use in reporting on CARLO’s business. These logos may not be altered, combined with other marks or used in a misleading manner. Your use of these logos is subject to your compliance with these Guidelines. 

Specific Logo Requests 
 If you are a member of the media and have any specific requirements, please contact us at carlo.malaysia@gmail.com. 

IV. Books or printed materials 
CARLO does not allow the use of its logos or the name “CARLO” in the title or otherwise on the cover of books or other publications without prior written permission of CARLO. If you are interested in using the CARLO name or logo in a publication, please contact carlo.malaysia@gmail.com. 

V. Film and TV 
If you would like to use CARLO’s logos in a television or film or video production, please contact carlo.malaysia@gmail.com. 

VI. Blogs 
CARLO does not allow the use of the name CARLO in the title of blogs or otherwise in the blog except as a descriptive reference to CARLO or its services. CARLO does not allow use of its logos in blogs except as permitted for CARLO members as permitted in these Guidelines. 

VII. Manufactured items 
Generally, CARLO does not permit the use of its Marks on manufactured products (T-shirts, packaging, other memorabilia). If you wish to use CARLO’s Marks on manufactured items, please contact carlo.malaysia@gmail.com. 

VIII. Use requirements and terms 
All permitted uses of the CARLO Marks must conform to the following guidelines: 

Logo Display: The CARLO logo must stand alone. You must maintain a minimum amount of space between the CARLO logo and other graphic or textual elements. To preserve the integrity and clarity of the logo, an exclusion zone or ‘clear space’ rule has been established. 

Required clear space for the CARLO logo 

Logo and Background Color: The CARLO logo should always be used in color for online use. The CARLO logo should also be used in color for print applications unless the color version is not practical, in which case the logo can be reproduced in solid black. The preferred background color for the logo is solid white. When a solid white color is not practical, it may be used on a solid, light background color. The high-resolution logo must be used for all print applications. High resolution logos can be downloaded here. If you are a member of the media and have any specific requirements, please contact us at carlo.malaysia@gmail.com. 

Logo Size: The CARLO logos may be provided in different sizes/resolutions in transparent PNG format. To ensure the logo resolution and quality are not degraded, these logos may not be enlarged beyond their native/maximum size. Vector EPS logos may be enlarged beyond their native size. The minimum size is 85px width on screen, or 15mm width in print applications. 

No Modification: The CARLO Marks must be used as provided by CARLO with no modifications. Don’t remove, distort or alter any element of the Marks, including changing any colors. Do not shorten, abbreviate, or create acronyms out of the Marks. 

No Confusingly Similar Marks: Don’t use the Marks in a manner that might create potential confusion as to the owner of the CARLO Marks or imply that CARLO is the source of your products or services. 

No Incorporation: Don’t incorporate the CARLO Marks into your own product name, service names, trademarks, logos, company names, domain names, website title, publication title, application icon, favicon, or the like. Don’t incorporate or use the CARLO logo as part of a word. 

No Generic Use: Don’t use the CARLO Marks in a way that suggests a common, descriptive, or generic meaning. 

No Plural or Possessive Use: Never use the CARLO Marks in the plural or possessive form. 

Domain Names: Don’t register the CARLO Marks as domain names or as any part of a domain name. 

Trade Dress: Don’t copy or imitate CARLO’s website design, typefaces, distinctive color, graphics designs or imagery. 

Endorsement: Don’t display the CARLO Marks in any manner that might imply a relationship or affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement by CARLO, or that can be reasonably interpreted to suggest that any content has been authorized by or represents the views or opinions of CARLO or CARLO personnel. 

Prominence: Don’t display the CARLO Marks as the primary or most prominent feature on your web page or in any non-CARLO materials. 

Disparagement: Do not use the CARLO Marks in a manner that would disparage CARLO Corporation or its products or services. 

Violation of Law: Don’t display the CARLO Marks on any web site that contains or displays adult content, promotes gambling, involves the sale of tobacco or alcohol to persons under twenty-one years of age, or otherwise violates any law or regulation. 

Objectionable Use: Don’t display the CARLO Marks in a manner that is in CARLO’s sole opinion misleading, unfair, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, obscene or otherwise objectionable to CARLO. 

Attribution: The CARLO Marks must be accompanied by the appropriate ® or ™ symbol. 

Termination: CARLO may ask you to stop using the Marks at any time. You agree to stop using the Marks within a reasonable period of CARLO’s request, but in no situation, more than seven (7) days after CARLO’s request. 

Reservation of Rights: CARLO is the owner of all rights in the Marks and reserves all rights save the limited license granted here. Your use of the Marks pursuant to this license shall not be construed as limiting any of CARLO’s rights in the Marks. 


IX. Additional information 
CARLO requires that you conform to these Guidelines in your use of any Brand Features. We may modify these Guidelines at any time and your continued use of the Brand Features will constitute your consent to such modifications. CARLO has complete discretion in determining if your use violates any of the Guidelines. 

If you would like to make use of the Brand Features in a manner not within the following guidelines, you must seek prior written permission by contacting carlo.malaysia@gmail.com.